Annual Parochial Church Meeting

This meeting will take place in church following the morning service on Sunday 23rd May, beginning at 11.30 a.m. It is your opportunity to have your say about all church matters as as well as to vote for churchwardens and PCC members. If you would like to attend, please wear a facemask and you need to book a place by email to If you’ve not already received one, you may get a copy of the church’s annual review by emailing

Tickenham Church ringing 100 times in memory of Sir Tom Moore

In common with over 60 church bell towers in our area, Tickenham Church Bell Tower will ring its tenor bell 100 times at midday on Saturday 27 February in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore. The tenor bell is the largest of the 6 bells in the tower weighing in at over 14 cwt (nearly 3/4 of a ton!) and is nearly 270 years old.

If you think you might like to try bell ringing, call or email our Secretary, Amanda Banks: 07972 696870 /