Tickenham will be celebrating on Thursday 2nd June and Sunday 5th June.

Thursday 2nd June:
9.00 p.m. Lighting a beacon in the Village Field followed by refreshments.

Sunday 5th June:
11.00 a.m. Thanksgiving for the Queen’s seventy year reign will be included in the
morning service at church. Coffee available from 10.30 a.m.
12.00 for 12.30 p.m. ‘Big Jubilee Lunch’ in the Village Hall, kindly organised by the
Tickenham WI. Numbers are limited to sixty so book early! Tickets £12 available from
Pat Carey
Afternoon: Blessing of the oak tree in the Village Field by our Rector, the Rev Jules
Harris – and perhaps bring a picnic if the weather’s fine?

Friday Night Light – Friday 25th June 6pm

Friday Night Light at St Quiricus & St. Julietta, is on Friday, 25th June at 6.00p.m. The programme of choral music runs from 6.00pm to 7.30pm; there is no liturgy, no hymns, just an opportunity to unwind, to relax and listen to recordings of spiritually uplifting music in our beautiful church, candle-lit for the occasion. You are welcome to stay for the whole programme or for as long as you wish.

Tickenham Open Gardens

Our first Open  Gardens day on 23 June 2019 was a huge success with over 400 visitors enjoying the gardens, plant sales and refreshments.  In fact it was such a success that we decided to do it again!  Then came the coronavirus and sadly our Open Gardens 2020 had to be cancelled.

The organising group met recently (virtually of course) and decided that 2021 was still uncertain, so the next Open Gardens in Tickenham will be in 2022. The reserved dates are 26th June and 3rd July.   We will be back with a bigger and better event  – there may even be a mini-bus to take you to drop-off points along the way!  In the meantime do note the provisional optional dates in your diaries: that’s – SUNDAY 26th JUNE or SUNDAY 3rd JULY 2022.    We will confirm which date as soon as possible so watch this space for more details.


If you need assistance with anything Tickenham Parish Council is able to help We can assist with

  • Shopping
  • Collecting medications
  • Or just a phone chat if you’re feeling low Just ring one of the following:

John Banks 07778 519983; Pam Trenchard 856234; Ann Loader 07443 598877; Mike Perrott / Lesley Hudswell 854160; Vena Prater 07740 085015

and we will arrange for someone to contact you.

Visit our COVID-19 page.